Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Who do you think you are?

What made you think you could play me like that?

Because trust me I am not your doormat.

You say you never genuinely liked me well that’s a fucking lie,

Because I can remember all the days I made your pussy ass cry.

I don’t know who you think you are but you certainly not the person I know,

Or is this your true side deciding to show.

I have never been your whore or anything else you are thinking in your head,

But trust me you are lucky because if I was in Jamaica you would be dead.

You said I am not the kind of person you usually date,

Well that information came a bit too late.

Remember that there are two people in a relationship,

So stop making it seem like I was standing over you with a whip.

I wasted ten months trying to work with your shit,

But I wouldn’t have done that if I knew your feelings weren’t legit.

I remember all those days when you told me you loved me,

Well if you didn’t really mean it then I guess you are right there never should have been a we.

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