Tuesday, November 18, 2008

That controlling emotion

It’s a funny thing when people say they can’t control their actions,

But there really are times when we all have temporary mental distractions.

People say they get caught up in the heat of the moment,

And they don’t know where their minds had went.

But truly there is a part of them that wanted things to go this way,

But this will never be something you hear them say.

They try to pretend like they don’t know where these emotions came from,

Because it was deep in their subconscious where these thoughts did come.

Lust is an emotion that can make you do unspeakable things,

Even commit some unforgivable sins.

It engulfs your whole being at one time,

And the power to reserve yourself is something you cant find.

It makes you want and need what you shouldn’t,

And there are no things to do you wouldn’t.

It makes you give in to your immediate desires,

And its strength to control never tires.

It is never evident when lust will take control,

But in each relationship it will always plays a role.

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