Tuesday, November 18, 2008


All of my life I have thought I was just one big mistake,

Well I guess I was right because now I know I was never to have a birth date

Since I was a baby I have always been asked why I can’t write better,

Well it’s not my fault that’s just how my hand forms the letter.

Why can’t I walk straight I don’t know,

That’s just the way my feet decided to go.

Why can’t I eat proper like the others,

Well the only problem is it’s not me to bother,

Why do I talk so much, Why can’t I be silent,

Well as far as I know I use my voice for what it was meant.

I have always been a bit chubbier than the other girls and made fun of because of my weight,

It must be fun to destroy someone’s self-esteem at the age of eight.

No one ever had a crush on me because I wasn’t pretty enough,

So I had to pretend I had no emotions and act all tough.

Most of my friends were hypocrites and didn’t really like me at all,

But used me when they didn’t understand something it’s me they could call.

I am a very depressed girl and I pretend like I don’t care

But the pain from all their judgment s is always there.

I have one question to ask who gave them right to pass off their judgments on me,

Because I know no one’s perfect it’s just their own fault’s they can’t see.

1 comment:

Dro said...

Damn! but it looks like u turned out alright ;)