Thursday, September 30, 2010

World of Dreamers

Dream Big

Because if you limit yourself, you are limiting "the what could be"

Dream Big

Because there will be nothing to gain if you have no hope

Is life really worth living if you have nothing to look forward to?

If dreams were impossible then why bother to desire them?

Nothing is unreachable because if you keep dreaming everyday you will get a little closer

Dreamer has a bad connotation attached to it, that you don't live in reality

But when you dream big enough it will become reality

I believe that my future is decided by my actions and if I run head on towards my dreams

Eventually time will catch up and my dream for the future will become the present

I know that in this world we would not have gotten this far without our dreamers

Dreaming is one of the most amazing gifts we were blessed with because you are able to see what has yet to happen

So Dream Big and reach those stars that the "realists" told you that you couldn't

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